Callout Width Control

When using a callout for MC Callout, Float Callout or Blank Callout, you may use the width modifier below to have greater control on the callout width. There are three (3) approach to define the width i.e. fixed (pixel-based), responsive via percentage and responsive via dynamic width.

Apply the modifier in the callout metadata section i.e. [!<callout-type>|<callout-metadata>]. And as an example [!info|pw3].

For MC Callout, please use it on the sub callouts e.g.

> [!multi-column]
>> [!note|dw-3]+ Work
>> your notes or lists here. using markdown formatting
>> [!warning|dw-2]+ Personal
>> your notes or lists here. using markdown formatting
>> [!summary|min-0]+ Charity
>> your notes or lists here. using markdown formatting


Width Control

You can control sub-callout width by specifying the custom width option in the callout-metadata element (do NOT apply to [!multi-column] callout itself. So far, there's only a discrete options per below:

Fixed Width Modifier

modifier size implemented
fw1 100px
fw2 200px
fw3 300px
fw4 400px
fw5 500px
fw6 600px
fw7 700px
fw8 800px
fw9 900px

Percentage Width Modifier

modifier size implemented
pw1 10%
pw2 18%
pw3 28%
pw4 38%
pw5 48%
pw6 58%
pw7 68%
pw8 78%
pw9 88%

Dynamic Width Modifier

modifier size implemented
mw0 no min size
dw1 1x or min 200px
dw2 2x of dw1 mw0
dw3 3x of dw1 mw0
dw4 4x of dw1 mw0
dw5 5x of dw1 mw0
dw6 6x of dw1 mw0
dw7 7x of dw1 mw0
dw8 8x of dw1 mw0
dw9 9x of dw1 mw0
When Pairing with sub-callout with min width

By default, sub-callout within multi-column callout has min width of 200px (unless you changed it via Style Settings). Applying wide-x metadata for sub-callout that paired with those callout will have different sizing behaviour